Wednesday, July 19, 2017 Another Drawing & How We Met

Busy day of running errands, visitors, phone calls, etc.  Got in my full prayer session, 1 meditation and attempted astral travel when I went to bed.  A quiet day overall, but I’m impressed with my ability to get through a day like this without a descent into grief, although I did have some sadness.  Due to a conversation with a good friend who has been reading the blog I decided to go back and fill in the signs and messages that I have left out.  I haven’t felt any real pull against it and he said he liked reading about them.  He suffered the loss of a child a few years ago, and he and Irene were good friends and I know her passing hit him hard too. 

Anyway, not filling in those events was just a precaution at the time because of something I read about those things supposedly being private, but I think they might do some good if others read about them.

During the day a couple of ministers came by and left some materials, and one remarked about the Thomas Kinkade puzzles we have on the wall in our living room.  We talked about the cottages and I said something about how those cottages were a favorite of ours (my mind going back to the earlier realization that this house and those paintings remind us of our home in heaven.).

At the end of the day, when I reached to pick up her coffee cup, it had a drawing of a little cottage of light in it.  You can see a little window in it - I've never seen that kind of a little detail in her drawings before:

It occurred to me that I could meditate and attempt to astral project for years and I might not have any more experiences.  A gloomy thought, but it may be the case.  If that is the way this turns out, it's going to be a very boring blog with nothing of much interest happening. 

So what I thought I'd do is share some stories about our life here, from time to time, that others might find interesting.

What many people even in our family may not know is how we met; a personal ad in a small thrift newspaper (the old-timer’s version of a dating site).  She had placed an ad where she described the kind of man she wanted to meet, and it was pretty much a description of me to a “T”.  At the time though I wasn’t that interested and I tossed the paper aside.  I worked midnight shifts at a grocery store and was broke all the time due to paying child support to one of my ex-wives.  I was also getting around on an old Triumph 650 Bonneville motorcycle that didn’t even use a battery.  I didn’t know how I would even date someone if I wanted to.

A couple of weeks later I saw the paper again and remembered the ad, and decided that it couldn’t hurt to write her a letter because I liked how she wrote her ad.  It interested me that it described me and it was also interesting that the paper was still there so I took it as kind of a sign. If she wasn’t interested because I was broke and had kids, eh, nothing lost.  In those days the letter would go to the paper and then they would forward it to whomever took out the ad. 

In her journal, which I have, she had prayed to God for a man that would be to her what she wanted and had never had. Then she had a dream of meeting a new boyfriend named “Bill”, and that day was when she got my letter.  She liked the letter and wondered if I was going to be “the one” (because of her prayer and her dream), so she gave me a call.  We decided to meet that night in a small town Dairy Queen parking lot about halfway between my location and hers – about a 30 minute drive.  She showed up with her three cute children in tow and proceeded to tell me that she had just recovered from cancer;  that she had had a double radical mastectomy; that she had three kids and she had no time to play games or mess around, so if any of that scared me off, it was best to just get it over with right off the bat and not waste her time.

I was hooked right off the bat – that was the most incredible thing I’d ever heard anyone say.  I later wrote in my journal that I hadn’t even noticed what she looked like because I was so struck by her straightforwardness. After that I always said she had “balls of steel” because she had just blurted out all her business, good and bad, and didn’t care if it scared me off because she didn’t have time to waste.

She is the most amazing person I ever met.
