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How I Defeated Grief and Developed a Fulfilling Relationship With My Soul Mate After She Died

Update 7-22-2018 On Friday, July 20, 2018, we achieved our goal of having a completely real astral visitation with each other. It was amazing!  I never lost consciousness transitioning from this dimension to the one where we are together.  The conversation we were having telepathically in our bed here flowed seamlessly into my actually being in a room, sitting next to her, having that same conversation with her.  Although I was conscious when my experiential scene flipped from lying in bed to sitting on a couch in a room next her, it took me several minutes to become fully cognizant of the fact that I was actually feeling the couch, actually seeing her and everything else (including my own hands when I gestured while talking).  I could hear her voice and mine. You can read more about it starting here. (Updated 12-18-2017 - WJM - New Sequential Post Archive Started & Book Now Available on Amazon) I have posted my book,  "Love After Life," so it can...

Taste of Paradise

It's been a while since I've posted here. I recently found out there are still people finding their way to our website and FB group through this blog, so I wanted to at least write an update. I largely transitioned my writing about my experiences with Irene and our developing relationship over to the FB group and my blog on the website .  I "retired" from being an admin on the FB group and from hosting the weekly zoom groups to provide more time, energy and focus on my time with Irene.   For the past couple of years my life here and with Irene has become about as much a paradise as I can imagine. I fully retired a couple of months ago and we love it.  We go on astral adventures together almost every day and talk throughout the day, often making plans for our eternal lives together. I can't even begin to express how fun, exciting, and joyful this is for me.  I'm experiencing physical, emotional and psychological sensations no words can begin to describe.  In...

Lucid Dream with Irene

In the Book Club we've been talking about techniques for achieving astral projection through dreams and techniques for maintaining and deepening the experience, and for finding your partner there.  (The book we're getting that from is Michael Raduga's "The Phase.") Here lately, though, all I've been doing is asking for specific things in my dreams and getting them. I've had several experiences and synchronicities lately that led me to the conclusion that I should just be specific about what it is I want.  So, I wrote it down - what I want for the time being in this transdimensional state of our relationship. I've already talked to Irene in depth about what I want when I cross over.  What I wrote down was that I wanted to be able to spend at least an hour a day with her in a completely physical, 100% real environment, completely aware and able to remember it all. The first part of the dream I remember was lying in bed resting with a couple of other ...

Irene Gives Me What I Ask For

Last night I was talking with Irene before I fell asleep and we were thinking about things she could put in dreams to help me remember, and what I wanted. I told her I really wanted to see her, and that maybe I could eat something and see what I looked like because I've never had a dream where I looked in a mirror or ate something. Just prior to that during the day, we had been talking about all the things we had come to us our physical life together here after we met - everything we ever wanted. She had a dream of meeting me the night before we met where we were standing by a black truck. When she finally got her black truck, she would joke "uh oh, I must be about to die because now I actually do have everything I ever wanted." She actually did die shortly after that, but we continue to joke about it. I recently got a bigger, new, badder truck (through no effort on my part) she absolutely loves and we planned on having on the other side. So in the dream Irene is driving...

Irene Hides The Remote

I was talking to Irene and watching something recorded in the living room and decided to go into the den to turn the TV on early and pause it for Wheel of Fortune. I walked into the den and got the TV set and walked back into the living room and realized I hadn’t turned off the TV. The remote wasn’t on the coffee table where I usually leave it. The coffee table is clean - no clutter, only the remotes, a couple of coasters and a picture of Irene and me. This kind of thing has been happening lately where I think I’ve misplaced a remote, but it turns out I just overlooked it (or so I thought) and it’s right where I already looked – on the coffee table. I got in the habit of actually counting the remotes on the table (I have 6) and making sure I consciously examine the table to make sure I’m not just missing it. I counted them - 5 remotes. I make sure to look at each one when I count and scrutinize the entire table. I figured I must have absent-mindedly took it with me when I we...

Successful Dream Challenge

(Originally posted in the Love After Life group on July 12; backdating it here to the same day and editing to remove names of members:) I wanted this to work at least twice before I posted it here. Two times (not on consecutive nights) I've asked Irene to show me something memorable, unique when I'm with her so that I have a better chance of remembering it when I wake up. I also told her to go ahead and wake me up after she shows me so I have a better chance of remembering. The first time was last Saturday night because a member of our Love After Life FB group had such a great astral experience after she challenged her partner to help her with an experience. It just sort of popped in my head to ask Irene to try showing me something that would stick in my head. That night she showed me a piece of art she and someone else worked on for something she was writing. It was a drawing of what looked like a unique, cute cartoon creature that was a cross between a seahorse and a s...

My Psychological Life With Irene

With the perspective of now over two years of developing and achieving a very fulfilling relationship with Irene, I have a better grip on what I was actually doing the whole time - and still am.  I understand it better because I have a better understanding of what is going on and how it all works - what the different levels of existence are and represent, how it all takes place in mind and - essentially - my external world is a reflection of my internal world. What I have been building is a fully developed  psychological  life with Irene, one where she and I share the same physical space psychologically - in other words, in our minds.  The only distinction between now and the way it was before she crossed over is that I have what is called "cognitive blindness" when it comes to interacting with her in my external-world experience.  Simply put, she doesn't register in my usual external physical senses, so we have been developing our connection and interaction...


For the past month or so I've been experimenting with the concept that psychology (including the conscious, subconscious and unconscious) = experience of reality (perceptual, sensory, cognitive, emotional, reacitive). IOW, I've let go of the ideas that there are spiritual levels, different dimensions (that coming from the guy that basically coined the term "transdimensional relationship"), different energies & frequencies, planes of existence, etc., and have proceeded from t he perspective that all of existence is right here, right now, and that it is my own psychology that determines what I perceive and experience of that infinite potential. I'm not saying those other models are not valuable and effective, so please keep that in mind. I've also started writing about how this has affected my interaction with Irene, but frankly I'm just not sure it can be effectively translated due to the limitations of language and the conceptual baggage certain term...