Tuning In, Flip-Flops and Seahorses

 I feel like I've made such a big psychological and emotional transition from just a few short months ago.  My new habit of taking multiple naps during the day is working out tremendously and has virtually eliminated my sense of mental fatigue and confusion.  Meditation lately has gotten to be so deep and so enjoyable it's difficult to drag myself out of it. My connection to Irene is so good that there is very, very little sadness that crops up, and when it does I feel like I can focus on feeling happy and appreciative and change my frequency fairly easily.  When I talk to her out loud or in my mind it feels very good and very natural.

This concept of "tuning into frequencies" is turning out to be very useful. It provides a really good tool for organizing experience and understanding what to do going forward.  I completely understand now my wife's habit of accumulating things that made her happy - like colorful flip-flops and light-up shoes, or little seahorse and buffalo figurines.  When I met her she would make lists of things she wanted out of life and cut out pictures of things that made her feel good. She was always way ahead of me on this.  These simple things helped keep her in the frequency of her happy place and it never mattered to her how childish or gaudy or weird anyone else thought about her choices.

I started reading another afterlife book and while it started out good, the author quickly started talking from a very authoritarian, absolutist viewpoint. I don't think he even realized it - I don't think most people do. In the Afterlife groups I'm a part of, even though they are filled with what seems to be the most kind and friendly people for the most part, most of them talk with the same kind of absolutism - that the afterlife is like X and everyone goes through X and everyone does Y and Z is the case regardless of what anyone else has said and regardless of testimony or evidence to the contrary.  Even I do it, and I try to preface almost everything I say with "in my opinion", but stuff still leaks out as if I'm competing with other people over afterlife turf and my assertions must be as absolute as theirs for some reason.

I've listened to 8 EVP recordings and so for nothing of any real interest has popped up except for a one strange sound on an early recording, but I can't make anything of it.  I am continuing with it if for no other reason doing so represents good intention to increase communication with Irene.  I can listen to the playback while I work so it's not like it's taking any extra time out of my day to make me feel like I have to make a choice based on that consideration.  I also continue to leave my iPad open to the drawing app every now and then.


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