
Showing posts from June, 2018


Wednesday night the automatic writing and mediumship group, which I co-host, had a meeting. About 15 minutes into it, for whatever reason, I decided to try to do some automatic writing while the group was in progress. While I was watching and focused on the group (and being occasionally distracted by one of my dogs), I let my right hand just doodle in a notebook I had open in case I needed to take notes. I filled up three pages. The next morning I looked it over, and found something incredible! For those of you who don't know, my crossed-over wife, Irene, always makes white drawings in the coffee I set out for her, practically every day. She apparently uses the little bit of milk I put in the coffee. I found this message, running sequentially on the last page: "My milk flowers lets you know I love you forever my lover" Lover is her pet name for me - she always called me that.  A couple of lines down, I found  "home + young". Saturday it popped in my mind that...

When Transdimensional Becomes Normal

Some things we were talking about in the Zoom group yesterday got me to thinking about the difference between what I know about life and the afterlife now, and how I react and feel during the course of my days now. Even though I updated the group on many of the fantastic things Irene and I have experienced the past week or so, I hadn't even written down one that is probably the most incredible. Irene reminded me about it this morning. In my life I've made a practice of changing my views and perspectives whenever they were not serving me well, some of it pretty deep stuff that resulted in - eventually - permanent psychological changes. In time, I would react, think and feel differently during the same kind of experiences, but it didn't happen overnight. It can take a while before a conscious change of perspective works its way throughout your body and your subconscious. This is why habits are so hard to break; our bodies and minds naturally prefer their long-standing ...

A Great Dream of Irene

Yesterday morning I had such a great dream of being with Irene!  We were walking through town, going home, talking and joking with each other. She wasn't visible, but we were talking and I knew she was with me as if she was physically there.  When we walked through the door of our home she was there physically.  There were other people in the room but I didn't see them. I sat down on a bar stool near the kitchen counter and she walked in front of me, face to face, I could see her very clearly.  She was so happy to be back together with me - I could just feel it emanating from her. We kissed several times. It was fantastic! I woke up and was extremely happy and excited that we had such a great dream together. Later in the day, the light fixture in my laundry room, which hasn't worked in a couple of months, suddenly came back on - which was weird, because I had turned the wall switch off when replacing the light bulb didn't fix it. I figured something had shorted out...

Reflection On A Cup of Coffee

I had a new experience with Irene the other day.  I'm not going to describe it since it was very personal and intimate, but what I will say is this: I got a taste of how making love feels in what we call "the afterlife." It was completely unexpected and overwhelming.  There is far more emotional sensation involved, of a much more vibrant quality, than anything we experienced in this world.  I'll leave it at that. What has had my attention lately is the coffee I set out for Irene every day.  Something to understand is that I make the coffee the exact same way every day, and the coffee sits in the same room in the exact same physical environment every day.  Same ceiling fan, same air conditioner, etc.  It sits on the same coaster at the same angle at the same location on the same coffee table.  Now, if the milk I use in her coffee is old, that affects the drawings that appear in it in a predictable way - they get smudgier.  In the beginning - th...

Working Together

Night before last I had a very bizarre dream.  I woke up feeling great, but the dream was really weird.  I was joking with Irene about it, about how maybe I didn't really want to remember all my dreams, but just the good ones with her in it. Later, it was time to run into town to do some errands, and the thought ran through my mind that she hadn't done any musical signs or synchronicities lately, but it's not like I ever really give her the opportunity - I don't listen to much music and when I'm in the car I listen to news. We were on our way to town and I turned on the radio to listen to some news, but the station had been changed, and the very first thing I heard, immediately on turning it on, was the word "dreamweaver".  The song was on and at the very end.  Very cool synchronistic sign. Irene has been really good at giving me emotional rushes when she wants to prod me in a direction, or when she agrees with me about something. I can think of doing some...

Meditating at the Beach

Earlier this week I had a very sweet, intimate dream of Irene. Later in the day she confirmed, with a couple of signs, that it was actually us and that we are succeeding creating our dream space get-togethers.  Since it's become too hot to sit out on the porch to spend time smoking with Irene, I've started using the living area connected to my office.  It's got a 42" flat screen in it that never gets used unless the grandchildren come over and want to play games or watch TV.  I found a YouTube video that is 8 hours of a hi-def view of a tropical beach with crystal blue waters.  The waves and birds create a fantastic sound we can listen to and watch while we smoke, and it's easy to imagine us curled up in our big lounge on the beach, going for a swim or taking a walk and feeling the sand beneath our feet. The first time I did this, and every time afterward, my heart just starts to rush with a very strong emotional connection to Irene.  It's really interestin...

Big Synchronicity!

Talk about the mother of all synchronicities!!! I watched a new show (that I recorded earlier) this morning, called "Reverie." In the show, they literally have and use the exact technology I visualize Irene and I having in the afterlife for exploring, being creative, adventuring and creating our own world. The device the main character holds in her hands, like a futuristic tablet, actually **looks** like what I've imagined. I've written in my blog about Irene's "secret rooms" in our home - doorways that lead to entirely different places. Exactly that very thing was also in the show. There were several other synchronicities, but you can imagine my wonder when I saw the exact technology I had envisioned - in a TV show!

Dreams and Synchronicities

Three nights out of the past week I've had dreams of Irene.  I can't describe how excited this makes me! Last night she appeared, and I recognized from my waking consciousness perspective and go so excited I woke up because I realized that I was having another dream about her.  My excitement was not primarily about seeing her, but rather that we were having such success just in appearing with each other in the dream world. Talking out on the porch, I told her not to worry about me getting excited and waking up and not getting enough sleep - I can always take a nap or two.  Let's just keep doing it and I'll work out my end of it as far as becoming more aware in the dream and controlling my emotional response so I can help keep our dream meeting place intact. This past Sunday I attended a Zoom group where the speaker talked about the so-called "Five Stages of Grief"associated with Elisabeth Kubler Ross, which was originally only intended to describe the kind...