Wednesday night the automatic writing and mediumship group, which I co-host, had a meeting. About 15 minutes into it, for whatever reason, I decided to try to do some automatic writing while the group was in progress. While I was watching and focused on the group (and being occasionally distracted by one of my dogs), I let my right hand just doodle in a notebook I had open in case I needed to take notes. I filled up three pages. The next morning I looked it over, and found something incredible! For those of you who don't know, my crossed-over wife, Irene, always makes white drawings in the coffee I set out for her, practically every day. She apparently uses the little bit of milk I put in the coffee. I found this message, running sequentially on the last page: "My milk flowers lets you know I love you forever my lover" Lover is her pet name for me - she always called me that. A couple of lines down, I found "home + young". Saturday it popped in my mind that...