Irene and I Perfected the No-Work Method

It may seem like this blog has been off-topic for the past few posts, but getting my mental house in order has been a significant step forward.  I realize now that there was a good reason I kept resisting things like EVP and various OBE techniques along with other methods and processes for increasing my contact with Irene.

Initially, all those things just felt like too much work, and I started remembering that every time in my life I worked hard at making something happen, it wouldn't and I would just get frustrated.  Most everything that has come to me in life did not come because I worked at getting it; it just came and my contribution was not screwing it up or rejecting it.

Irene, of course, was just delivered into my life by source.  All I had to do was say "no" to things I did not want that came into my path, and say "yes" to Irene, even though she represented a path that, to say the least, made me very uneasy. I knew the moment she started talking to me when we met that I wanted her in my life 

Over the years, we never "worked" to achieve what came to us, other than using our intention and forms of affirmation.  The craziest and most outrageous things were just given to us. Dramatic changes in our living situation occurred on their own.  We were really good at enjoying our life and getting rid of psychological and subconscious stumbling blocks that would get in our way.  Everything we wanted came true to the point that Irene even said at one point that she must be about to die because she had everything.  About three years later she crossed over.

Pain and panic caused me to try out, in desperation, many different methods and processes of getting better communication with her as I tried to get the sense of our fulfilling relationship back.  However, what I always did no matter what else I was doing, was applying intention and attention just like we always did.  As our relationship became more solid and the grief dissipated, we grappled with the psychological and subconscious issues particular to our current situation just like we did while she was alive, especially in the early years of our relationship.

Now, well beyond the panic, insecurity and desperation, I can see much more clearly now that - for us, in our particular journey - a lot of what I involved myself with was unnecessary for any practical purposes other than perhaps giving myself the sense that I was doing something every day to get back to the wholeness of "us".

My life has shown me that source can and will just give me whatever I want or need if I can just ask for it and allow it.  This has been happening to me since I was 8 years old, and I noticed it at that age and was pondering the nature of reality then because of it.  We all create reality all day long without even working at it. We sustain the nature of our experiences without effort because it's a natural, automatic relationship.  Creating reality occurs whether we work at it or not, whether we are trying or not, whether we are doing it consciously or not.  It's like breathing - nothing could be more natural.

This understanding is key to consciously creating the reality we want to experience. I wanted to get back to our satisfying relationship, and we achieved that.  Psychologically, I had trouble accepting it because in some ways it felt like "moving on" because I did not have that physical touchstone of her presence to constantly reassure me that we're good and solid. Having confidence without her physical presence felt somewhat like saying "I don't need you," but that's just erroneous processing out of the habit of physicality.   I can feel Irene now, sense her, hear her in my head, see and interact with her in visualizations, and that is enough for me to trust the solidity of our relationship.

I no longer feel like I'm letting her down if I am not doing something every waking second to be able to physically manifest with her in the astral.  This let me slow down and realize that this almost-frantic level of work to achieve that goal was counter-productive in terms of actually achieving the goal because it put my some of my attention on the process.

In reality creation, what happens when you put your attention on something?  You get more of that thing.  You are driving the car of your experience towards whatever you are giving your attention to.  You might say, well, your attention is still on achieving the goal even if you are using processes and methods, but that's not correct.  Your attention is on the process - the middle-man that you think is going to get you to the goal. It's not on the actual goal.

We focus on processes because we think we have to do the in-between work, we have to move the ball down the court ourselves - otherwise, how is it going to happen?  It's not going to happen by itself, is the common meme.  And yet, so very often, that is exactly what happens, especially in terms of transdimensional events. Experiences often occur when we least expect them, to people who are literally not doing anything to try and make them happen, and often have no idea what is going on.

Some of us desire more control over things in our life and we work to develop control systems and methods. However, there may be a better, more direct and efficient way of doing this than investing attention in the developmental process, especially if you find that method frustrating. 

We all have the capacity of claircognizance, which is the ability to just know things. We can actually just suddenly know how to do something.  What is to stop source from just giving you the knowledge or skill you desire without the developmental process?  The answer is: nothing except yourself, and how much intervening development you require psychologically for various reasons.

What this has meant for Irene and me is an immense amount of psychological relief from pressure, frustration and insecurity that I didn't even realize I had.  I feel utterly confident and relaxed now, knowing that I don't actually have to do anything other than intend, point my attention and allow. No work, no methods, no processes - just let source do it all.
