Saturday, May 6, 2017 The Prayer

There are things I need to do to better prepare and condition myself for "lucid living" and developing a better connection to the spiritual in my quest to manifest a "transdimensional" relationship with Irene.  This is why spiritual doctrines use mantras, diet, physical meditating poses and breathing exercises – to find and develop our connection and relationship with the spiritual world, and to habitualize that process into a lifestyle pattern.  I think a lot of it boils down to intention and manifestation; the exercises/habits promote the intention, which in turn helps manifest results into reality. I think a lot of it is also just the grace of God. 

I've started to look for more information, videos, books, etc. on the afterlife, prayer, meditation, the spiritual aspects of existence - which is saying a lot, since I've always been interested in such things and have always found such information fascinating and have tried to apply it to my life.  However, I find myself now strongly motivated in a very particular way and so what was before a more general spiritual leaning is now much more specific and the materials I look for are about maintaining relationships with departed loved ones. I also have begun collecting information about what various sources claim/report about what life in the spiritual realm is like.

Ivori & Emanuel came out and did a few hours of work on the pyramid and other parts of the yard.  We decided to turn the yard into a fairy garden with lights and ornaments and plants, fire pit and other stuff.  I feel like I'm being moved towards doing some things to the house and yard to make this home an appealing and happy place for my friends and family on the other side to stay or visit.

After doing both a gratitude and a request prayer, I meditate in the classic lotus pose, focusing my mind on a central point. I begin by asking for protection from evil or negative influences and by stating my intention that I seek to put my body on temporary "stand-by" and open my spiritual sense to experience Irene in perfect, "hyper-real" clarity (what Near Death Experiencers report as being the nature of heavenly visits).  

When I meditate, I use the following phrases as my "mantra", or prayer, that I repeat over and over while focusing on a single point of consciousness to move my awareness away from my body and its physical senses to the spiritual senses:

I love you so much, Irene, and I know you love me.  We are soul mates. We will always be together. We are happy.  We are joyful. We are fulfilled and whole.  I experience you, sense you and know you are here with me at all times. We are completely connected.  Our experience of each other gets better and more clear every day.  This is a very special time in our relationship.  We are strong for each other.  We are focused for each other.  We live every day in each other's heart and mind.  

This prayer acts as both a means of focusing my consciousness like a mantra and as an ongoing affirmation to condition my thoughts towards a more positive and healthy experience during the rest of my life here in this world.
