How Eternal Happiness and Joy Works

Another really good morning so far.  Last night around 8pm I had a really, really good meditation - I felt like I could just stay in that zone for hours.  I felt like my astral body was trying to leave several times. Envisioning Irene is getting easier.  This morning I prayed while envisioning her praying with me, sitting beside me, and it was great!!  Then I had another really good meditation where I felt like I was trying to leave my body several times.

The image of us being on a tropical beach or in and around the pool at our home on the other side has been popping up continuously in my mind.  Collecting images for my various afterlife Pinterest boards is giving me all sorts of deeply resonating imagery.  I think that finding things that resonate with your afterlife is a very good method of supporting intention. It's like I am building a stronger basis for the frequency at which Irene and I operate in the afterlife, drawing us closer together and keeping us in harmony with our creative thoughts.

I always wondered how anyone was supposed to stay happy in Heaven, much less joyful, for eternity.  It seemed to me to be human nature that appreciation and joy for a thing necessarily diminished over time to the point of whatever the source of those feeling was being taken for granted - at least to some degree.  A few thousand years in heaven and those heavenly feelings become ubiquitous and non-meaningful - if one were to think about it terms of Earthly human experience.

Irene and I were really good about not taking things for granted and truly appreciating everything we had in life, but even we were not immune to the decrease of appreciation one has the farther removed they are from experiencing lack, pain, limitation and loneliness.  Before now I couldn't imagine how one could stay joyful and fully appreciative eternally; I wondered if that was really the point of reincarnation - to continually refresh our love and appreciation.  I didn't see any way around it.

However, it now seems to me that if the afterlife is a "timeless" state with regards to how we perceive time, then it would not necessarily be true that the contrasting experiences of sorrow and joy, of pain and happiness, of lack and abundance need ever diminish in our mind once we experience them; we will always have a perfect memory - a perfect experience - of everything we have been through.  That means the experiences stay with us and do not fade over time, but rather stay as fresh and as new as when we first experienced them. Having constant access to that can deliver to us an eternal appreciation, joy and love that cannot fade over time, laying the foundation for an eternal state of happiness, appreciation and joy.

Around 9 this morning I lay down and listened to a guided astral travel YouTube by Lilian Eden and got really deeply relaxed and felt like I could leap out of my body at any time.  I'll probably try doing this some more.  My meditations have been really deep lately.
