Hanging Out With Irene

Today the atmospherics completely changed, including a thirty-degree drop in the temperature.  Everything felt different.

After prayer and an EVP recording this morning, I sat for meditation and Irene asked me where I'd like to have interaction with her, now that I know they are are completely real locations.  We settled on the big padded bench swing that sits overlooking the ocean and the horizon at the top of the path that leads down to the beach from our astral home.

As we settled into our "spoon" position looking out at the view, she turned around facing me and said, "You do understand this is real, right?  You are actually here right now, even though it doesn't feel like that to you yet." 

"I'm actually here, right now, with you." I repeated in agreement.  I could see her in my mind very clearly, feel her. It was still an envisioning, but suddenly this enormous swell of emotion just climbed from my heart up to my head bringing a gasp out of me and a burst of tears.  

It wasn't sadness and I didn't recognize it as happiness or joy. It didn't feel bad; I think it would have been great except that I had no idea what it was. Later I would come to understand by imagining what that emotion would be if I was in the situation: overwhelming relief.

I stopped meditating and went outside for a smoke on our bench swing in the front yard.  It was like the change in the atmosphere opened something up; suddenly I was having one realization after another while talking with Irene.  These realizations came with a sense of disbelief, wonder, and were emotionally charged.  As the day progressed and I spent more time outside talking with her, the realizations started becoming articulate - something I could express as discrete intellectual concepts.

I'm not going to get into all of that right now.  Right now, let me just say that part of that overwhelming relief is the knowledge that I can actually be with Irene, and actually talk with her, any time I want, whether meditating or not.  I am actually with her all the time.  I understand now how that is possible and how it works.  The only thing to get better at is tuning in those experiences, like tuning in an old-school, non-digital broadcast radio or TV station - to get better clarity of signal.

For now, all I'm going to say is this: if you want to talk to a departed loved one or visit a different dimension, begin by tuning in to it simply by using your imagination.  Your imagination is not what you think it is.
