Staying in the Frequency

The past two days have brought it to my attention that even when I don't feel like it - actually, especially when I don't feel like it - I need to meditate and pray.  I know this sounds like I'm reversing my views from yesterday (probably not the first time I've done that on this blog), but it's more like a refinement.

When I try to work out solutions to my feeling "off", the solution is really always the same thing: regaining the frequency I desire.  I exist as a happy, fulfilled and motivated person in what I call our "home frequency", where Irene and I have our best and easiest interactions.  So, when I wake up and feel ambivalent, especially after a day of being bombarded with the frequencies of other people, the best course of action is to pray and meditate to start bringing myself back to home frequency.

Tuning into that frequency is my job; that's what I'm supposed to be doing.  That's actually what individual existence is - tuning into frequencies. Everything beyond doing that is allowing and interpreting - allowing the information in that frequency in and interpreting it. 

Yesterday I started thinking about certain things to do and almost started down that path when I asked myself, "Why am I trying to get involved in this?" It had nothing to do with the afterlife or my efforts to get in better contact with Irene.  After a while I realized I was trying to find something to distract myself with, which led to the question of why I was trying to distract myself.

After my morning meditation today, and feeling like I'm back in the home frequency, I understand that this frequency is very difficult to maintain in this world because the main frequency of this world includes massive distraction from and obstacles preventing these kinds of pursuits. It's almost as if everything in the western world has been specifically engineered to distract us constantly and keep our minds purely focused on material things and activities.  

In addition, it's difficult to stay enthusiastic when a lot of the time it's just day after day of praying, meditating, intention and affirmation; probably because, again, this western world culture has us tuned to such short attention spans and the need for instant gratification.  I can have a couple of really good experiences and then nothing for a long time, and it challenges my sense of progress.  However, as Irene has helped me to understand, right now for me it's about faith and trust, allowing and accepting.


My third meditation of the day I spent working on listening, watching, accepting and allowing the our frequency into me. It was a great meditation and I feel really good and connected again.
