Monday, July 10, 2017 "The Betty Book"

What a great morning!  I did morning prayers, then worked some, took care of the pets and then had a great meditation with Irene.

I was posting some of these entries into the blog this morning and realized that a whole month ago I had already discovered that I should meditate and affirm with “we” and “us”, that it is something we do better and are more effective when we do it together, and it had been validated twice that day … and then somehow over the course of events I totally forgot! Unbelievable. I realize I do need to read back over my journal entries to refresh my memory about what has happened and what I’ve already learned .  It seems my mind works to keep these things from me – I guess to try to maintain my “status quo” of being involved in physical world activities. It’s a cognitive bias that seems to disallow or push aside anything that challenges or changes the way things are in my mind, current patterns and habits.

Reading back I am struck by the remarkable, sheer number of message/sign events that have occurred; it’s almost every day, sometimes more than one a day. Also the power and nature of some of those events is simply unbelievable. I am truly so blessed to have an almost embarrassing wealth of support from the other side!!!

Irene had a great idea during meditation on how to contribute more and maybe help people in that support group – use my art and combine with poetry or words to inspire and soothe and give hope. When I met Irene she would write poetry every now and then, and I think it’s her poetry coming through. I’m going to give her credit for it.

I got the first poem and art done – it’s great!

It’s been my regular pattern for several days now to have a full prayer and meditation session in the morning and two more meditation sessions later – one around noon, another around 6pm.  The one this afternoon left me feeling totally high and dizzy, I had to go lay down afterward.  A couple of times during the meditation I felt like I was high above looking down, even though I couldn’t see anything.

I have had a little trouble today off and on about things changing.  Of course things must change now because our relationship is changing and our situation has drastically changed. It’s still hard.  Even though she was sick and we couldn’t do much, that was still our relationship/situation for a while and now that particular way of us being together is gone. I wouldn’t wish us to be back in that situation because of her condition and she’s free and young and perfectly healthy now, but it’s still hard. It’s what I was used to.

So I got information that the blocked throat/panic feeling that I get a split-second sensation of sometimes might be some grief that is currently being blocked and which might be currently blocking Irene getting through better to me, so we started a litany of affirmations and prayers in my third session to release all grief, pain, and sorrow – “We are free of all grief, we are free of all pain, we are free of all sorrow” and “I release my grief, pain and sorrow and accept joy, love and excitement for the future.”

Started reading “The Betty Book” today – it reiterated something I was saying just the other day about the difference between intellectual knowledge and incorporating a real understanding of that knowledge into you.  It takes time to actually "become" what you have accepted intellectually.  Reading afterlife information and understanding it is different from it seeping into your ongoing living existence.
