My Two Cents On Validating Signs

Here's my two cents worth on the subject of whether or not something is a sign from our loved ones.

If you experience something that makes you think it might be a sign from a loved one letting you know they are with you and love you, instead of letting fear (of being wrong) and doubt trouble you, simply make a decision one way or another, but do so in a way that makes either decision help you out in your desire for better contact and communication with the other side.

Anything anyone experiences with regard to afterlife communication and contact could have other explanations, even if highly implausible. Afterlife entities usually work through some sort of physical medium in this world - sounds that already exist, animals, light, etc. and arrange or manipulate those things to make contact.  Often it is nothing more than what could be a very unlikely coincidence or string of coincidences. The point here is that most of us are not scientists or attempting to scientifically and objectively verify the existence of the afterlife and interaction with it; that is up to people who are qualified and are actually working in such groups and are involved in such research.  We are also not statisticians who can calculate the odds against any particular series of events occurring.

What then are we non-scientists and non-researchers doing when we are "deciding" if something is or is not a valid sign or contact from the afterlife? We don't know for certain and cannot know for certain, even if a medium tells us.  What we are looking for is both comfort and to bolster our sense that their continued existence in our lives is a reality.  At some point, we have to just commit one way or another about whether or not the butterfly that seems oddly interested in us or the chance license plate in front of us is a sign or not.  Why do we hesitate to commit to an event being a sign when there is obviously something about that particular event tugging at our mind and heart that claims it to be a sign, or else we would never have even noticed it?

Let's say that something occurs that you think might be a sign, and you accept it was a sign, but let's say it was not.  What are the ramifications of accepting a "false" sign?  Has any damage been done?  The only point in time where you will find out for certain if the sign was true or false will be after you die and ask your loved ones (if it ever even comes up), and at that point you're certainly not going to care about whether or not that particular movie scene (for example) was actually meant as an answer to your desire that they show you somehow they are still with you.

Meanwhile, the acceptance of the "false" sign has given you a sense of hope, comfort, and joy.  It has put you into a better vibrational state. Your acknowledgement of it as a sign sets a tone here and with your spirit team and loved ones that you accept that such signs occur and that you are on the lookout for them and will validate them when they occur. The sensation that your loved one is with you, that even a "false" sign helps generate, puts you in closer vibrational harmony with them, thus making it easier on them to give you such signs.  Remember, believing something positive to be true is a solid part of manifestation technique for acquiring that which you desire.

The way I "determine' if an event is a sign is simple; if it occurs to me that something is a sign, I accept it as such. I trust my intuition.  If I feel like I'm trying to make something a sign, then I don't take it as such, but I tell my people on the other side "I'm not taking that as a sign because it feels like I'm trying too hard to make it one.  It needs to just occur to me that it is a sign." so they know what 's going on, and the process of talking to them and telling them what I'm thinking also serves the purpose of tuning my frequency closer to theirs by setting a tone that I am working with them, telling them how to get me to accept something as a sign.

So, there is no downside to whatever you decide about whether or not something is or is not a sign, whether or not you accept it as such; the point is that either way, make the decision in a way that will move you farther into the frequency of accepting that they are still with you, that you can still interact with them, and the comfort and joy that acceptance brings.  Tell them why you don't accept something as a sign so they can do a better job of letting you know they are there. Don't walk around in fear or doubt about whether or not something is a sign; fear and doubt are frequencies that take us away from where we want to be.  Make the decision one way or another and then tell your team and loved ones on the other side about it; either way, the event and your actions will be taking you closer to where you want to be and how you want to feel.
