Why We Forget
There are some really cool things I've come to know about the transdimensional situation Irene and I are in - why we chose to live this life, what we are doing now, and what it means for our future. I don't claim that this applies to anyone else, so if it resonates, great, if it starts making you feel conflicted or upset, just stop reading and ignore it. Irene and I are eternally together. We are perfectly whole together and painfully incomplete apart. No one else will do for either of us. I'd say we were fortunate to have understood and experienced this in our life, but luck didn't have anything to do with it. We planned all of this before we came here, and we have been monitoring it the whole time. There was a time period after Irene crossed over that I didn't understand why we would do this - come here, forget everything, spend 30+ years apart, have all these challenges including pain, financial stress, all the countless distractions, and then go thr...