More Deep Connection Sensations

I've had a couple more of those strong connection sensations today.  It is so sweet and transcendent - an emotion or sensation there is no word for.  I remember getting this sensation before and it was very confusing because it caused some sorrow at the same time, I remember writing here that I felt it was because it was Irene and her presence generated the sorrow of missing her.

Now, this sensory, vibrational quality of her presence "touching" me, or going through me, isn't bringing up any sadness, just this very unique and comforting feeling that affects me throughout.

I posted the rough draft of the book on the blog today so that people who come here looking for relief from their grief will at least be able to read how it happened for me.

As I read back through the book, and in doing so referred back to some prior posts, I find so utterly unbelievable that I can really, actually feel this way.  It's like our relationship never stopped being this good - as if the grief never even occurred.  I actually feel as if she is here with me, all the time, and all I have to do to see her or talk to her or be with her is call her up in my mind and she is right there.

Every night I fall asleep holding her, talking to her, listening to her, because I believe that what occurs in my mind is actually occurring, somewhere in the dimensions between Earth and the astral.  We are actually together, actually talking, actually seeing each other - at least, that is the effect it has on me physiologically.

I got even more reports about some additional negative (seemingly) events that occurred with other members of the family today.  It's crazy how many bad things happened at once on Monday, and even crazier still that I feel fine about it all.  I'm not in a funk or panicking and everything that could be poisoning my good vibe isn't affecting me negatively at all.  My thoughts are not focused on those events; they are focused on our good frequency.  Just thinking about all of this in terms of tuning in and tuning out frequencies has apparently been very helpful.

I have this sense of accomplishment today - felt like we actually moved into a world where Irene and I are even closer and our world, our island home in the astral, is close at hand.  It's a really good feeling.

I just remembered, Irene sent a message through me to our daughter Gerra last night. The used to watch a TV show and talk about it.  It's one I don't watch.  Gerra was asking for a sign from Irene and out of the blue I decided to text her and for whatever reason I decided to call her "lightning bug" - it just popped in my head. In the show, they called the daughter "bug", which I had no way of knowing, or of knowing that Gerra had been watching it.
