Strong Connection Comes Through

There are mornings, like today, I wake up and I don't feel good or bad, I just feel completely ambivalent. I really think it has a lot to do with the physical atmosphere. It's heavy again here with a lot of humidity after a lot of rain last night.

A couple of hours after I got up, though, I felt Irene just sort of vibe into me. It felt so good and immediately changed my frequency back into our zone. It didn't have hardly any of the associated sadness that contact with her used to bring, although it did carry with it a unique emotional content I've talked about before; it's really good, it's just not like anything else, so it's hard to put any label on.

Meditation was excellent although the universe kept interrupting me for whatever reason.  I still have the family issues that cropped came barreling through like a freight train, but we're working on those and can at least see a way forward.  I'm really not very good at adapting to certain situations emotionally and Irene is doing all she can to help us through all this.  However, I believe that some things in that happen to us in this world are things we wanted to go through, and so there's only so much those on the other side can do for us.

I realize that what is being worked on here is my faith and trust, especially when it's about things that are personal trigger issues with me.  The best thing I can do is - broken record - trust the process, and stay as tuned in to our higher frequency as much as possible, and keep from sabotaging myself emotionally and physically from the uncertainty as things proceed forward.

One of the biggest issues when these kind of events occur, I've noticed, is how much they begin to monopolize my thoughts.  I find myself trying to figure out solutions or see the angles, but the fact is that I can't "figure out" solutions to these things because there are just too many unknowns and it's way too confusing to sort out.  My only clear course is to clear my mind of such thoughts, focus on keeping my habits and thoughts in line with my goal, and let the path forward sort itself out.

If everything goes to hell, that's just what I've come here to experience and be the best person I can be throughout.  Love, intuition, faith and trust, meditate and pray.


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