
Showing posts from May, 2018

Enjoying Cycles of Experience

Thursday and Friday night I had dreams of Irene that I remembered.  The first was really sweet and intimate, and in the second she was taller than she was in the physical and looked really regal, with long black hair and a long flowing white dress, almost like a wedding dress.  Our efforts at developing our capacity for transdimensional interaction is making positive gain. I've kept up with my new routine and I'm really enjoying it. and I feel like I've made strides as far as my mental discipline is concerned, which I'm sure can't be hurting our capacity to interact.  Thursday I woke up from the dream very happy, and as the day wore on and Irene let me know that it was her and gave me a confirmation Friday.  My sense of Irene kept getting stronger and stronger through the day. I see the days as cyclic time segments of experience.  My goal is to develop my awareness so that, in that cycle, I can find satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness with Irene and peace in ...

What a Wonderful Adventure!

For the past nine days I've been on a new food regimen, and for the past five I've developed a new daily habits and activities schedule.  This has all been accomplished by ordering my conception of things in terms of my relationship with Irene, contributing to our creative energy reservoir, and by relating habits, thoughts and activities here with what I imagine their counterparts to be in the afterlife. IOW, I'm trying to behave as if I am already "in the afterlife" with Irene now - because, in truth, I realize now that I am.  This has produced more energy, motivation and enthusiasm that I've had in a very long time. For my entire life I've pretty much felt that all work and activity in life was ultimately futile because the nature of this world ultimately destroys everything I do here; but now I see that efforts have more far-reaching and much longer-lasting impact in dimensions I cannot see right now. The "afterlife" and my current experienc...

This IS One Of Our Afterlife Amnesia Experiences

The past few days Irene has been changing up her coffee-drawing routine - some days she draws in it some days there's absolutely nothing - just a cup with uniform brown color without even a pale swirl.  The way I make her coffee has been absolutely the same each day, and the environmental factors have been the same.  The milk has come out of the same container. She's not been just getting my attention and reinforcing the fact that it is her that makes the drawings; noticing this has also helped move my thoughts and attention in a certain direction. Yesterday I came up with a new form of our memory-suppression game, where she wakes up in the afterlife with the memory awareness of having just crossed over from her illness, waking up in our bed in the astral to find me there with her.  This led me to think more about the whole memory-suppression concept, and I found a new way of visualizing the idea, but more importantly it made me realize that all individual consciousness...

Hypnagogic Visions

Lately when I do my lying-down meditation, I've had more flashes of sights and sounds that seem real - meaning, it sounds as if I'm actually hearing something, and looks as if I'm actually seeing something. This is entirely different from the more dream-like state which feels more like what we normally call "dreams."  I'm conscious when they occur and I often think for a second that I have my eyes open, or that I'm hearing someone speak. Today I did several of these kinds of meditations and at one point  I had a momentary vision that I was sitting on the couch in the living room and looking down at what appeared to be a color-coded schedule of some sort in my hands.  This is similar to another such "vision" when I was in the same position, the same room, but it was a black square in my hands.  When this happens, I'm observing things from the first-person view and it is my peripheral vision that allows me to see where I am because I'm lo...

Attack of the Synchronicities

I've already written here about some of this, but the flood of synchronicities lately has me wanting to at least write some of them down. Some of it is so interwoven you really have to follow the tracks. A few weeks ago I made the decision to not do any more EVP attempts and I told Irene that if she wanted to do it let me know.  Last Friday before last there was a guy in our soul mate group who asked if he could try to use EVP to contact Irene.  He did so and she responded that she was there and we are soul mates.  Later that day she changed the channel to her favorite show and then, when I attempted to watch a recorded show, she made a different one come on (instead of the one I clicked) and that show started with a character talking to his dead wife (even though that scene had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the show.) My blog post from May thirteenth describes an incredible synchronicity where an obscure but famous person from another country and been broug...

New Daily Practices

The past couple of days I've adhered to a new daily pattern that is the result of thinking about what I'd actually do once in the afterlife with Irene, and then adhering to a pattern of behavior now that includes those things or the closest approximation.  I realized that more and more of my daily, habitual patterns had become more about "waiting" to cross over, and that didn't seem to me to be a very positive subconscious pattern to fall into.  It doesn't involve anything drastic, just cutting back on certain enjoyments and activities I was engaging in beyond their "fulfillment" factor and adding in or increasing other activities that matched the idea of my afterlife desires.  So far, I feel even better and enjoy the new routine. Whether or not anything more comes of it will be something to keep an eye on, because I did this to deliberately more closely match my Earth pattern and vibration to what I want my afterlife to be like. So, I spend more t...

The Alternate Timeline Experience

The other night I had a dream where I could fly.  I haven't had one of those in over 20 years.  This one was different in that I didn't do what I had always done before in order to fly; instead of a gliding, gravity-skirting kind of flying, I was powering my flight with energy that was coming from my hands and forearms, like I was some kind of superhero.  The energy made area around me shake as I took off.  During that dream I realized that things were not as they should be - people with names from my life did not look the same and I noticed, but I never quite put it together that I was dreaming. Yesterday I experienced a really astounding synchronicity.  The night before I was involved in a discussion where three very specific things came up: 1. A very specific, named individual in a foreign country that I had never heard of; 2. Thinking that person had been alive for over a decade only to find out they had been dead all that time; 3. Exploring alternate ...

Achieving Normalcy

This past week I've been experiencing something I refer to as a normal transdimensional relationship with Irene - well, normal as it pertains to a romantic soul-mate relationship.  That's why a week has passed without my blogging about anything - it just seems like our normal life now. It feels to me like I would just be blogging about my normal, everyday life.  It feels like there's nothing noteworthy or remarkable about it to commit to this blog. Emotionally, I'm completely good - happy, feeling whole and complete with Irene, enthusiastic about our lives together, waking up and going to bed with a big smile on my face.  Intellectually, I am completely satisfied with what I know and believe about what we call the afterlife.  We are totally back in our own happy little world but with a much broader, better, more specifically eternal outlook and the opportunities that provides. Last night as I lay in bed, I was mentally holding Irene in my arms and talking...

More Confirmations on The Amnesia Experience

Yesterday I got five confirmations from Irene (two after I made my last edit to that post).  I had told her that I would like some pretty serious confirmations on what we were talking about, because it represented a major addition to my understanding of what we she and I are doing When I was talking with Irene about different scales of the amnesia experience, I wasn't using the word "experience" - I was using the word "game," - "the amnesia game." I changed the word for the post in order not to give others the idea I was thinking of all of this flippantly or superficially. I consider it a very important aspect of the development and maintenance of a long-term afterlife experience, and also a very important, even defining aspect of an Earth experience.  "Mini-game" was a phrase I used to describe different short-term amnesia experiences so that we could give each other the temporary re-experience of meeting each other as if for the first t...

The Amnesia Experience

In the course of working on our future together in the astral, Irene and have been talking about and exploring different systems by which to enjoy our eternal everlife together.  Something we've been working on for a long time, which has its roots in something we we experienced here in life, is what we call "the amnesia experience," where one of us has a temporary bout of amnesia and gets to encounter the other as if for the first time for a brief duration.  We already had a few of models for enjoying this experience worked out when we started exploring the idea of having a "second life" in an adventure game world where all we would have no memory of our astral lives for the duration of our pre-set time to play. In other words, when we entered the adventure game world, we would have an ongoing life there in and of itself. I started thinking it would be cool if, when we entered the game world we would be "waking up", and when exiting we would be ...