A Nice Mental Image From Irene

I walked the dogs earlier and while outside I got to thinking about some of the AREI information and how it corresponded to some things I had been thinking about; about how I needed to learn to beef up my ability to trust, have faith, and use my intuition.  This is something Irene kept trying to tell me our entire time together here, and something we experienced over and over - to pray, intend, and affirm, but then to trust that the things that unfolded for us were leading us where we wanted to go even though it may not seem like it. Our role in the unfolding is simply to walk down the path as it does so, not to try to make things happen the way we think they ought, or to try to hurry it up - no matter how impatient we may be.

One of my issues has always been over-thinking things - as I've talked about in the past in this blog.  I think it's probably pretty hard for Irene or my spirit guides to put images or thoughts in my head when I keep it occupied all the time. I realized (still while I was walking the dogs) that these days I keep my mind occupied with prayers, intentions, affirmations and imagined images of Irene and myself because I don't trust that imagery, thoughts and sensations will come from outside.  I fear that I may lose my focus and the physical world will start dragging me off into its distractions if I don't focus on these things every waking second that I can.

So, while I was outside, I practiced just started thinking "trust, faith, intuition" and invited Irene to send me something.  I was feeling really excited and was just telling her how excited I was feeling about seeing her again - that it felt like just after we first met and I couldn't stop thinking about her - I couldn't sleep, or eat, and I thought about her all the time at work - I had to talk to her on the phone, I had to drive out and see her (that was back when long distance cost a lot and I couldn't really afford the gas).  We couldn't stay away from each other.  It drove me crazy to not be with her.

Then the image just popped in my head of me stepping up to the porch of the house she lived in when we first met and we were so, so excited and happy to see each other - only this wasn't back then, this was now, the image taking place in my mind as if I had astral projected to her and this was how we had arranged to meet when I did so - to re-enact the Saturday I had driven back to her house from a trip I had made to see my kids in Austin. I was walking up and she opened the door and stepped out to greet me, and right then everything else in the universe ceased to exist.  I could feel both our emotions racing through me - the sheer joy and love and excitement.

I knew without a doubt that Irene had done that.  Man that made me so happy - but more, it was a clear confirmation that I am on the right track about just allowing, having faith, and trusting her, my spirit guides and my own intuition more, because it's shown me again and again to be right about so many things.

Also, when I first joined the Zammit Afterlife group, a medium there sent me a private comment about Irene being "at the beach".  At the time it had made no sense at all to me - we spent maybe 1 or 2 hours at a beach total in our entire time together, and lived nowhere near a beach.  I forgot about the message and a couple of weeks ago I intuited that I think our home must in the astral must be by the beach - in fact, I think we have our own tropical island.  I was just thinking that, if we could live anywhere, where would we live, and there was only one possible answer - a tropical island. It doesn't really seem logical considering our lives here, but I think that is truly where we would both be the most happy for many reasons. Then I remembered what that medium had said ... interesting, eh?

Anyway, I have been so incredibly happy and excited today.  I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world.  I feel like Irene has been really close to me all day, but I'm so happy she is safe, secure, young, healthy, and that it seems like I'm past all the heavy grieving.  I feel like she and I have the most fantastic, greatest relationship in the history of the world, and at some point we get to replay our Earthly meeting (which was fantastic!), but this time we will be coming back together with a full understanding of each other and what we mean to each other - like the greatest love reunion ever. How crazy is that for a guy who's wife died only a four months ago?  And we get to have a heavenly honeymoon!  I don't know how this can get any better.
