
Showing posts from December, 2017

Some Afterlife Research and Evidence Links

While it is not this blog's intent to try and convince anyone about the existence of the afterlife, sometimes I forget that not everyone is familiar with the huge - HUGE - amount of modern afterlife evidence that has been gathered ever since William Crooks first published his mediumship research in The Quarterly Journal of Science in ... wait for it ... 1874! Some of the finest scientific minds in the world at the time considered this to be scientific proof of the afterlife. Since then there has been a lot of scientific research that demonstrates the existence of the afterlife.  Here are some good sources to start with: The Scole Experiment  - documentary and book about a recent set of experiments, full materializations, apports, photos, more. The Afterlife Experiments  - mediumship studies under strictly controlled scientific protocols Evidence of the Afterlife  - book on Amazon about current NDE research A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife ...

A Very Good Place, All Things Considered

I had another dream of Irene last night.  It was a pretty weird dream with all kinds of crazy stuff going on, but I woke up very excited and happy that I got to see her again.  Having family over for several days through Christmas and having a heavy workload I had to concentrate on didn't affect me very much emotionally, although I did feel a bit less connected to Irene for the duration.  I started to remedy that yesterday by meditating three times and going to bed early, talking to her as I fell asleep.  Lately, with the kids here, I usually fall asleep as soon as I lay down.  The meditations were good, deep and had great connection to her; the porch and evening talks were very nice, and the dream was really interesting and just topped everything off. It's easy to get into a distraction mode - watching too much TV, reading too much on the internet, etc.  I find it bizarre that I would revert to habits of distraction when I enjoy my connection to Ire...

Irene Lives Here

A couple of nights ago I got another dream kiss from Irene, so I've been feeling really great about all the dream contact we've been having.  We spent quite a bit of time on the porch talking, drinking and yes, engaging in our bad little habit of smoking for the holidays. It was SO much fun, because during the day I had come to a pretty amazing understanding. Irene lives here. The astral realms are right here. When people talk about the difference in frequencies "separating" us, that's kind of a mischaracterization.  The astral planes and Earth don't represent different "worlds", but rather simply different frequencies and interpretations of the same place.  This is how she is always with me - we literally are together but just experiencing slightly different interpretations and frequencies.  I've had family over the past few days and got more coming, so sorry I haven't been able to write more.

Changes In Weather, Changes In Attitude, and a Kiss

Tuesday the weather was wet, cold and humid.  My mind was pretty chaotic all day dealing with a lot of work and just not feeling that great in body, mind or spirit.  I had to fight with myself to get any work done at all.  I distracted myself by watching TV and then felt bad about wasting time.  It wasn't sadness, I just felt disconnected from our source frequency which keeps me calm and happy.  I was worried about too many things and felt sort of in a paralyzed state. Yesterday, though, I woke up and felt absolutely great, and it lasted all day long.  I was able to work all day without feeling frustrated or rushed.  The weather had changed and it was a perfectly clear, beautiful sunny day. I was able to sit in the swing under the magnolia tree and talk with Irene a couple of times and felt amazing connection to her. There's a feeling I get at times like this; an indescribable emotion I've talked about it before in this blog.  It's part love, part...

Love After Life Now Available On Amazon

Today our book, Love After Life, is available on Amazon !  Many thanks to Cyrus Kirkpatrick for his help in facilitating this. Yesterday I had a long conversation on the back porch with my Mom, Dad and brother, Reed, all of whom have crossed over.  I expressed my great gratitude for what they contributed to my life and to my family.  I'm so blessed to have been surrounded by and raised by good people, who have contributed so much to my development mentally/spiritually and who just helped us out when we needed it.  Without them, I have no idea where I'd have wound up in this life. During our talks on the porch, Irene has been putting memories of us in my head of things I had forgotten.  She feels more comfortable doing it now that I'm at a place where I will not crash into grief and can experience those memories happily and joyfully. I have told her to feel free to do so and have given her free access to my mind and physical body.  That's one of the gre...

Touching Via Visualization

One of the things I've done repeatedly since Irene crossed over, and which I've talked about before on this blog, is visualizing us together, which always includes touching.  This sense of touch during the visualizations is getting better.  When you think about it, all sense of touch is generated in the mind.  In the physical world, nerve system impulses are translated into our sense of touch. In dreams, the sense of touch is just as real as in the physical world. So, in visualizations, the sense of touch can be increased.  I wonder how much?  Irene assures me it is her when I visualize us, and it is her I am touching and talking with.  It will be interesting to see how far this can go. I decided to reel my smoking back down to three cigarettes a day.  I had thought about telling Irene I would only cut down if she visited me in a dream and we had a good laugh about me just figuring out new things to blackmail her into dream visitations with. Cyrus ...

New Facebook Group

Wow! I woke up today and feel so much better than I have been feeling.  I think I'm shaking my bad attitude cold bug. I can still feel the physical effects but psychologically and emotionally I feel absolutely great!  I feel so connected to Irene this morning it's totally energized me and is keeping a big stupid smile on my face. I finished my will today, just have to take it into town to get it signed, witnessed and notarized.  As soon as I get that done I'll feel totally ready to leave this world when the time comes.  There's still a lot of stuff I can do in the meantime, but that will be taking care of my only real concern. I recently joined a new Facebook group -  Forever In Love with Our Partners who have Crossed Over .  It's a group with similar beliefs and views concerning soulmates and the afterlife.  Today I posted the following: "Reading some other posts in other groups, it occurs to me that we in this group have a perspective that is ve...

Understanding Affirmations & Intentions

I recently had a good conversation with someone in an AREI Zoom Room video conference where they expressed their concern with affirmations in general, describing it as a "fake it until you make it" process that they couldn't get behind.  If that is how one sees affirmations and intentions, I agree it isn't a good thing to do because one feels like they are lying to themselves.  That's never a good foundation for anything. There is a different way of looking at affirmations and intentions, though, that might lay a better foundation and resonate more positively with some of us seeking to regain a fulfilling, joyful relationship with someone who has crossed over.  As readers here may know, I think of affirmations and intentions as words, thoughts, feelings and mental imagery that tunes me into the frequency of experience I wish to acquire.  In other words, I don't see such tools as "faking it until I make it" or as lying to myself, because I don't...

Another Dream of Irene!

Wow, has it been five days since I last posted? Well, it's no wonder - I've got a ton of work I've been having to do in my regular job, plus I've had a lot of family over.  In addition to all that, I feel like I've been fighting a bug for several days. Usually when I get catch a cold it affects me mentally more than anything else and I have a really bad attitude for a few days, as well as a very deep voice. I think that's what has been going on because it's about the time of year I usually have one of these episodes and it usually lasts a few days. It's kind of extra special to me that in the middle of this downtime, with me barely having any time to do any meditating  and not feeling particularly "spiritual" at all, that Irene came to me in another dream last night!  A very fun, flirty dream and I could fully see her face this time. This dream occurred, like the prior ones and my OOBE, after I had woken up in the middle of the night, sta...

Incredible Dream Encounters With Irene

Lately I've been experiencing a deeper kind of mental intimacy with Irene during meditation and when I start falling off to sleep.  It's hard to explain - and maybe a little embarrassing considering family and friends read this blog. When she was alive, when Irene and I would kiss (among other things), all of my attention and hers was on that kiss, or that touch, etc., on our connection, in the moment.  It was like being one being in a timeless state of a kind of bliss where nothing else existed.  Lately though when I imagine and visualize holding her, or kissing her, it's like hearing each other's thoughts and feeling each other's feelings at the same time that we are experiencing the physical contact.  It's like literally being in each other's head and experiencing what the other person is experiencing, a kind of union beyond any connection we had before. Last night I fell asleep in that kind of state with her and I had two fairly intimate, very beauti...

What Visualizations Are Like Now

Today I had such a great meditation.  My ability to visualize Irene is so good these days.  Back when I was in pain I would have a hard time with long, consistent scenes of her and I together - it was like there was constant interference. Now I can easily imagine her sitting right in front of me, talking to me, smiling, laughing, etc.  I can stay in a visualized scene with her as long as I wish.  You might ask, how much of it is her, and how much my imagination?  She assures me that everything I "imagine" is in some way rooted in reality.  She has assured me of this several times with explicit confirmations expressed through amazing, synchronistic signs that I have detailed in prior entries, but that occur so fluidly and so often that I don't even think to write them down in this blog anymore. I just take them as part of our normal relationship. There is a sensation I have when I know she is guiding me to meditate and visualize, sort of a specific vibra...

No More Memory Landmines & an Astral Projection

A couple of days ago I was sitting out on the front porch talking with Irene.  The conversation turned to things we remembered from our time together here, the things that were very easy to remember, really "burning bright" in our minds.  We went through probably about a dozen different memories and talked about how much they meant to us. Afterward I realized I had basically dug into memories and didn't have a single moment where I felt sad.  Usually going though memories is like walking through a minefield, but that's gradually changed over time and now I can pretty much freely think about he past without it causing me sorrow.  Going through those memories actually made me very happy and we had a great time and quite a few laughs. Night before last my daughter Gerra called and we talked most of the night. After I went back to sleep early in the morning I had my first astral projection, exactly the way I intend/affirm every day -by  just finding myself astra...

A Crazy String of Synchronicities!

This theme about coffee and cigarettes keeps popping up.  Just a little background here: I enjoy going out in the front yard and sitting the bench swing, or sitting on the front or back porch, and having a smoke with Irene.  It's something we used to do during a certain time in our lives and I remember those times very fondly. A couple of weeks ago in a post about a powerful intention I had while meditating , I said: "Very quickly after that, a scene popped into my mind of the two of us (Irene and I) sitting on white, wooden  lounge chairs on a deck overlooking the beach and ocean.  Our feet were propped up on the white deck rail and we both had a cup of coffee and we were smoking. We were dressed just like we were at our wedding - we didn't wear formal clothes at our wedding, which was held in our home at the time.  We were laughing about something and had great big smiles on our faces, looking out at the morning horizon over the water." When I checked th...