
Showing posts from February, 2018

I'll Be There For You

So this happened yesterday. I was getting ready to go into town and talking to Irene jokingly, calling her my "co-pilot" because she would always keep a lookout on my right side when I drive because I'm blind in that eye. I said, "Why don't you play me another song that will blow my mind?" I was just being humorous because of the last time I went into town she did just that. I had forgotten some mail I wanted to take to the post office and by the time I got to the car I had forgotten completely about asking her for a song. I turned the radio on because she likes to listen to music and started down the road, and a song immediately started up that had a musical intro. But I was completely oblivious to the music beyond that as I talked to her about other things on my mind. We went down the highway and at one point the memory of my having asked her to play a song just jumped like a blaring horn into my head, interrupting the conversation and she told me t...

Principle of Attunement

Since I haven't had any more inclination (thank God!) to write about the whole "model of reality" thing (after making it clear I wasn't going to be a willing participant), this morning I tried something new in terms of "automatic writing".   Well, it's not really "new" for me because this is another thing I realize I've done my whole life; thought about a subject I wanted to have clarified in my mind, and then start talking to myself out loud as if I'm explaining it to myself.  Virtually all the information I have acquired over the years has been verified or at least repeated from other sources - some established before my acquisition of the information, some after, but always from sources I had not even heard of up to that point. When my wife started reading materials from Abraham-Hicks, she would often tell me that they A-H was saying the same thing, advocating the use of the same principles that Irene and I were already using ...

Another Confirmation - Afterlife Adventures

Yesterday and today I've been visualizing a certain kind of afterlife adventure that Irene and I will be enjoying quite often. The adventure begins with us inserting ourselves into alternate versions of our Earthly timeline at certain points in our lives here, but with only one of us remembering that we are on an afterlife adventure and having the capability of pulling us both out of it whenever that person decides. The adventure begins with one of us arriving at a pre-planned scene whether the other will be - in her case, getting off of work at a place she worked at for a while in Temple, TX, and the other when I was sitting outside where I worked on my motorcycle late at night - or some similar arrangement. The one who knows what is going on gets to "woo" the other, armed with unlimited funds and complete knowledge of their history, while the other has only the memories of their history in that particular timeline. So, for one, it will be like meeting the other and...

Nice Validation For My New Book

I watched "The Arrival" last night after randomly finding it on Amazon Prime. **SPOILER ALERT**  The movie was a total validation sign about what I've been doing with visualization and what came through automatic writing.  Throughout the movie the main character was experiencing what seemed like flashbacks. The aliens in the movie did not experience time in a linear way, and they were teaching the main character how to speak their language, which would give humans the ability to do the same.  What she had actually been "remembering" was her future.  She was mentally visiting future events and was completely experiencing them.  She could go to any part of her life and experience it, beginning to end, by thinking about it. **END SPOILER ALERT** Then I ran across an Abraham-Hicks quote pin that said: "What could be more FREE than reality based on thought and you can think any thought you want." - which is exactly what the Identity Matrix informati...

Changes In Vibration

Something I've found pretty interesting lately is my sensitivity to frequency changes.  There is a "home" frequency or "vibration" that Irene and I have; the more attuned to it I am, the better I can feel our connection and the easier it is to visualize our interactions.  Whenever I am around other people, though, and whenever I talk to others online, I notice it changes my personal frequency and, while I can still feel good, it's not our home "happy place" frequency, as Irene would say. Now, I can get there immediately by simply doing a visualization, so it's not a big deal. I've also noticed, however, that the same thing can happen when there is a change in the weather.  I can actually feel it as a change in a sort of internal vibrational frequency which is accompanied by a slight change in mood and thought. The past couple of days have been unseasonably warm and that almost always throws me slightly off.  Yesterday I had to reset the...

A Rather Startling Synchronization

Yesterday I got a great confirmation/validation/synchronization from Irene and I didn't even ask for it! After writing more of the first story in my new book, "The Afterlife Adventures of Bill and Irene" this morning, I was sitting on the porch visualizing the continuation of that scene where Irene and I share our first afterlife kiss. During the kiss, which produced more mind-blowing sensations while visualizing, I was mentally telling her (in the visualization) how incredible that kiss was, how I felt not only my sensations, but hers, from her perspective ... and she thought back to me that we were feeling everything the other felt while still being aware of our own, to the deepest level - a true union and a complete sharing. a true knowing of the feelings of each other. Later one of my daughters came for a visit and we were talking about TV shows and movies and she told me I had to watch "Altered Carbon", a new Netflix original series. She's very busy and...

The Afterlife Adventures of Bill and Irene

The amazing meditation I had on the 16th crystallized something I've been thinking about writing for a while, giving me a surge of motivation and excitement about it. So, I started it that night and I woke up excited to continue the next morning. I envision it as a book of short stories about me and Irene together in the afterlife in the future. Writing these stories is my way of deeply connecting to Irene via visualization. While writing, it became very clear, very fast, that writing the first story was simultaneously producing one of the most compelling visualizations I've experienced. (Well,DUH! You kind of have to visualize scenes you're writing about!) The emotional connection and sensations were so strong I had to take several breaks just to calm down and savor the incredibly wonderful feelings. At one point I thought I would either pass out or leave my body. The title is: " The Afterlife Adventures of Bill and Irene. " I'm writing it on Google Docs ...

Heightened Clarity

Yesterday, in a great mood after a nice nap, I felt like meditating.  As soon as I started I felt totally buzzed and high, yet this meditation was subtly different than most.  I was at a place, a sensation of feeling free somehow, like I was no longer sitting cross-legged on my couch.  It felt like I was in a vibrational pattern, my body and mind tuned in to it, and I was exploring that vibration.  There were nuances of experience in that vibrational range that I could explore in the sense of feeling slight changes in my perception of it and of myself in it.   I felt absolutely no desire or need to stop meditating, which usually occurs at the 10-20 minute mark. I was thoroughly enjoying this, but more, it felt like I was actually doing something really interesting - like it was a place I could explore, investigating all the nuances of that frequency range and how they affected me.  A couple of times I saw things clearly appear for a second, accompan...

The Identity Matrix Model of Existence, Part 2

As some of you know, I co-host an Automatic Writing Zoom group associated with AREI.   Often I begin automatic writing when triggered by certain questions or comments I run across (something I've always done, I just didn't realize it was "automatic writing".    A few days ago it was a question in the Soul Mate Facebook group about how to tell if something is really contact with our loved one or just in our own heads.   It triggered me to start writing. This is the third version; I refused to post the first two because of the tone and because it just too much to try and digest.   Eventually I got this version - apparently I wasn't going to be able to do my regular job until this got worked out.  It seems that with this I've put out all the information that was contained in that "download" I got a few months ago - and that's a relief.  Anyway, it's an extension of another post from a month ago. ________________________________________ ...

What An Amazing Day

Yesterday, the 11th, exactly 10 months since Irene crossed over, was the most perfect day.  She made her presence known all day long, filling me with visions and euphoria so many times I lost count.  She turned the TV channel to her favorite show again.  We had such fantastic interactions in our visualizations.  I might as well have had her in my arms physically when I took a nap around noon, the feeling was so complete.  Towards the end of the day I sat with her out on the porch and was entirely satisfied, happy, whole and complete, even though I have a great anticipation for what is to come. I don't feel that anticipation as any sense of lack at all. I honestly do not feel any "missing her" or any "forlorn longing" for Irene anymore. I don't even find myself "wishing she was here" - apparently, every part of me, physically and psychologically, knows she is actually with me all the time - it's just a question of getting us both totally tune...

A Synchronistic String of Events

Some time ago I wrote about my letting go of particular ideas about what Irene and I fully reuniting would look like - meaning, I might not even experience my own death.  It could be that I just walk into a room and there she is, or I go to sleep and wake up completely in some astral world with her. Shortly after I wrote that, Cyrus Kirkpatrick put a link in the Facebook Group Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics to an article he wrote about an event that many mediums were getting information about where some kind of energy field our solar system was going to shortly pass through would "raise our vibration" and put us on a "new Earth" - or several, depending on our individual states of vibration.  He said it was possible that our dimension might "merge" with some astral dimensions as a result of this energy.  He was pretty skeptical of it. That rather neatly dovetailed with my view that I could just find Irene and myself suddenly occupying the same physica...

Being There Now

Lately I've been so connected to Irene, I feel little urge to meditate near as much, and little urge to use the affirmations that helped us get to this point. We were talking about this the past couple of days.  There was an analogy I used a long time ago that popped in my head. If you have a desire to go to and live on the moon, the pathway there might first start with building a rocket ship.  In order to do so, you'd have to develop certain knowledge and skills to build that kind of transport. Once completed, you'd need a largely different set of skills and knowledge - that of piloting that ship to the moon. After you've landed, you'd then need to become someone who could build and maintain a habitat on the moon.  Note that the practices that you must have at each stage is, to a large degree, different from the practices you needed before you got to the next stage towards our goal, and then actually existing in your goal state is largely different from existing in...

Little Things That Make Me So Euphoric

Irene has been sending me some really nice "hello" signs lately.  Three times she has made it so when I turn on the TV, it's on one of her favorite shows on channels I don't ever watch, so there's no reason for the TV to be on those channels at all.  No one else lives here and there's absolutely no other reason why the TV would be on those channels.  I've also had some very short dreams of her. Last night during one of those dreams I was just watching as she was being made up, dressed and her hair styled by two or three other women, like she was a queen.  That's something she always said when she wanted something her way - "Because I'm the Queen". I woke up feeling so great.  She looked so good in that dream and she talked to me some in it and it just made me euphoric.  Then when I turned the TV one of her favorite shows was on - Fixer Upper, on HGTV. The night before I had left it on a different channel when I went to bed.  That really p...

Mind-Blowing Encounters

It's just so unbelievable, when you think about it, how far Irene and I have come in so short a time.  Not even a year has passed since she crossed over, and our connection is so good and our visualizations together are so immensely satisfying, our communication so easy, it's like I'm living in a dream world that keeps getting better and better.  The feeling is like living in a constant state of varying degrees of euphoria. She can shoot me a look, a playful smile, a sarcastic comment and it will just go all through me like someone shot me up with heroin (well, what I imagine that must feel like - I've never tried it). To think of how I felt not that long ago - the dark despair, the searing pain, the sense of hopelessness - and to compare it with what we have now, I can't say enough just how remarkable it is.  I don't say that in the sense of "Look what I've accomplished!" , but rather in the sense of "Holy crap! Who would have ever though...