
Showing posts from March, 2018

Emotional Hugs From Irene, and the "Everlife"

I think I'm going to start using Suzanne Geisemann's term "everlife" instead of "afterlife" because it incorporates this life as well as part of our eternal lives. This is, after all, just another form of experience in the infinite variety of experiences available to our eternal existence. The other day Irene and I were visualizing some new things in "Always" - our name for our private experience realm (not entirely private - we do plan on inviting others to visit).  A visualization of us popped in my head, the two of us in a couple's tube floating down a lazy water park-like "river" path, winding through our island, the warm sun on us and the view full of beautiful trees, plants, flowers, birds, and animals near the water.  It brought back the memory of when, as a child, my family went to the Ozarks and we tubed down the river there for a couple of miles. That was one of the best memories I have as a child, and I have quite a few....

The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

It's amazing that I now categorize what are basically "normal" days as "blah" days.  Our experience has become so fantastic that a "normal" day feels like "blah".  Instead of putting a negative spin on it, I'm just going to call them "normal" days from now on. Yesterday was more of a "normal" day, but I recognized it for what it was - a "process" day. Hmm. Maybe I should call it that instead of "normal."  Abraham-Hicks says that times like that is when source is busily bringing our desires to us and doesn't require any input at the time, only our "allowing" acceptance of it as part of the process.  He/she says that times like that are good for sleeping, resting, or just relaxing, which I did by watching more TV than I usually do. I also took a nap, and when I woke up I swear I could hear our "Forever and For Always" song playing very, very subtly. I could barely make it o...

Visualized Writing & More Synchronicities

One of the things that came up the past few days in our visualizations for the new book was the bedroom in our castle, and one thing I noticed was that the bed was now different from our current king size bed - it was much bigger and round, and one of the aspects of the afterlife I describe in the book is how, in the presence of romantic love, the surroundings become more ornate and beautiful - including how wooden structures will self-carve beautiful, ornate designs in that situation. Another thing that has come up several times recently is the phrase "fairy tale," which several synchronistic events have used in relation to the castle we live in ( see yesterday's pos t).  Irene and I often thought our life together here on Earth was like a fairy tale come true, "the reality is better than the fantasy."   Irene is also a seahorse fanatic. A movie I watched at lunch yesterday was about a man trying to find the love of his life who had disappeared.  He...

Writing All Morning, Then Synchronistic Confirmations

I've had SUCH a great day today! Last night I went to bed very early and woke up about 2:00 and immediately felt like writing on our new book, "The Afterlife Adventures of Bill & Irene".  I wrote for several hours, having to take several breaks due to the euphoria and doing visualizations with Irene as the writing progressed.  Instead of feeling mentally tired I was full of energy and our connection was incredible.  I felt totally satisfied and whole with her and she was coming through very clearly and easily. Perhaps an hour later the Jehova's Witnesses came by and, as usual, we chatted a bit.  He pulled up a video on his tablet for me to watch and there was this scene playing out of this man and woman holding each other's hand while walking on a white sand beach with palm trees and crystal clear turquoise waters.  It might as well have been a scene from our visualizations that morning and for the past several days.   Then the minister start...

Confirmations and a Kiss

Some days are largely blah days - not meaning I feel bad, but that I just feel utterly unmotivated to do anything. Usually a certain kind of atmospheric conditions accompanies/causes it, along with interactions with people that negatively affect my vibrational happy place.  Both were going on this past weekend, culminating in a particularly affected day yesterday. Lately I've been more focused on tuning into a fully shared experience with Irene.  I want to be able to exist in both experiences at will.  Instead of trying to do something I did not feel like doing,  I spent a lot of time doing hypnagogic exercises before and after napping, and visualizations with Irene of things I found fun and interesting.  One of Abraham-Hicks memes is that if it's not fun or exciting, if you don't feel good doing something, just take a nap. After doing just that, I woke up and turned on the TV and the channel had been changed again to one of Irene's favorite shows, Fixer Upper...

Coming Into Full Understanding Of My Purpose

The past couple of days I've had the most amazing realization.  It has to do with some stuff I haven't even written about here because I've been wanting to save it for the Afterlife Adventures book, but after this explosive self-realization I can't contain myself any longer. Lately I've been using my hypnagogic states when I lay down to imagine and explore activities Irene and I will be engaging in once together in the afterlife, along with what we want to experience it.  Included in this is my imagining afterlife "technologies" that would be joyful and delightful, like the "creative world experience generator" system I might have written about here before - I can't really remember. Anyway, it gives us the capacity to use a technological interface (which really appears more like a mystical interface out of a Dr. Strange movie) to, for example, change the world and sky around our home (the castle on an outcropping of rock by the ocean) to ...

Expansion of Creative Potential

I’ve noticed a shift in the focus of my meditations and conversations with Irene, and I now realize they’ve been advancing a certain way.  In the beginning it was more of a desperate need on my part - needing to “find her”, get to her, experience her).  As that need was met, it became more about creating an emotional atmosphere of confidence, wholeness and trust – an emotional stability and satisfaction – by being with her experientially.  From that solid base, we are now about co-creating our experience to be the best, most wonderful possible.  Strange how that completely reflects our physical lives here, only compressed into a much shorter period of time.  As she and I have explored more of what “creating our experiential reality” in an unlimited manner means, it’s become very interesting to explore and get past limitations of thought/imagination that exist due to 59 years of physical experience here. For example,  for a long time I could not imagine th...

Magnetic Meditation

Meditation the past several days has almost been like entering another dimension.  My brain is immediately buzzed and vibrating as if I'm on some kind of drug.  I don't want to leave the meditation, it feels so magnetic.  I can literally feel my entire body vibrating at a different frequency for up to an hour afterward. It's a very strange and cool sensation. I seem to be more sensitive emotionally to other people's vibes.  The almost-daily synchronicities and signs are still going on.  I'm also apparently better tuned in to Irene as I'm feeling her stronger, more emotionally at times.  I keep her and my spirit team apprised of my feelings and experiences as we move forward with the ongoing merging of our experiential "reality".  

Another Amazing, Amazing Experience

Yesterday and this morning I got to feeling pretty cranky and rebellious. Not bad or sad - I still feel entirely connected to Irene, but I honestly started feeling like abandoning all the Afterlife FB groups and just discontinuing contact with everyone.  Most of them just seem so caught up in advocating for certain structures and views and insisting on limitations and spiritual judgments - with almost zero sense of fun or humor. It's kind of difficult to maintain my creative perspective when everyone else is all about being the victim of objective reality (at least, that's how I see it). I was feeling like an outcast rebel.  I have been rejecting all external authority and systems over my life, including any "oversoul" or "higher self" or any supposed rules about life or spirituality.  I want to be free to create whatever Irene and I imagine and want. I know she's with me, but still it felt a little isolated, which kind of pissed me off. This morning I w...

So Many Signs, Confirmations & Synchronicities

Since Irene crossed over last April, I've done a pretty good job documenting a lot of the signs, synchronicities and confirmations I've received.  Even though this blog is full of those events, this doesn't even come close to a full accounting of what all has transpired.  I don't know how often our numbers have appeared, or there will be immediate support and confirmation of thoughts I've been having, or the birds and squirrels will come along and do things that demonstrate I've got support and that Irene and my team are with me. It would not be an exaggeration to say that these events occur virtually every day, and most days I get multiple such events a day. Lately, the synchronicities are coming several times a day.  An example is that day before yesterday I had a passing thought that it would be cool to have a big, fancy treehouse on our astral island, and the next day a pinterest pin popped up with a treehouse - not just any treehouse, a great big full hom...

Alternative Dimensional Transition Methodology

So what I'm excited to be doing now along with writing my new book is developing what I call "Alternative Dimensional Transition Methodology", or ADTM for short. It's based on the framework outlined previously in the Identity Matrix Model of Reality ( Part 1 & Part 2 ), supported by the Craig Hogan videos (President of AREI), which views the "external world" as being, in actuality, non-physical in nature, but rather an "Experiential Reality", as Mr. Hogan describes it. Most of our afterlife nomenclature and modeling revolves around there being actual realities outside of mind.  We use terms like levels of spirit realms, worlds, vibrational levels, etc.  We think of NDE and OOBE experiences as "leaving the body" or moving from one actual physical location to another. Death is characterized as leaving this world and going somewhere else.  I think words and terms used from this model may be inefficient in many cases. I don't li...

Amazing Synchronicity Stretching back 28 Years & More Music

For the past few days Irene is putting this song in my head several times a day. I wake up with it playing in my head and I'll find myself very happily humming along or singing it. Yesterday Joy Collins posted music her husband on the other side played for her, and it was this song: Perfect song for people with loved ones on the other side, but at the 1:25 mark it got personal to me as they began using the word "Always".  Irene and I would always sign notes and cards to each other with the world "Always".  On September 8th of last year she brought my attention to a new "our song" by Shania Twain - "Forever and For Always".  I was writing a reply to Joy when I remembered that "Always" was also the  name of the very first movie I ever took Irene out to see, starring Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter.  I remember I wanted to take her to it because it had Holly Hunter in it and I told Irene she reminded me of her.  I went to Wik...

Lots of Confirmations

Yesterday I got two separate confirmations that I can transition to having full experiences with Irene whether or not I die here first, and we can start living our afterlife experience even while I'm still here. I also got confirmation about some ideas I had while visualizing our afterlife, but I'm going to save the unveiling of those for my new book. Something I can say, though, is that I've learned that my expectations or visualizations of the afterlife have been tempered to some degree by unnecessary limitations.  What we can have, what we can do, how it can work - it doesn't have to be scaled down  in order to be "reasonable" or to fit into some kind of overall working construct. That's the difference between a cosmological model based on an external world reality and one based on experiential reality - where experience is the sum total of reality. A friend of mine recently sent me some links that I think presents this concept (what I have called the...


Since I've been having so many signs/confirmations from Irene lately and have been too busy to log  them, when I found time today and wrote them up and back-dated them - 25th and 28th.

Humming Birds, Eyes, and Visualizations

As most readers of this blog know, virtually every day since she crossed over Irene has drawn a version of this in the coffee I set out for her every morning: Sometimes it's more elaborate, very rarely it's something else.  This happens regardless of if the AC is on (a few feet from the coffee table), the ceiling fan, or if there is a stand fan blowing in the room.  The flower in her cup has played a significant role in other signs she has given me over the past 10 months.  Once when I told her that she could stop if she wanted, thinking it must be a natural phenomena and that it would continue, nothing appeared in her cup the next two days until I asked her to please continue.  She was proving to me that it was her. A few days ago I saw a hummingbird outside - one of her favorite birds.  Also, lately I've been deeply exploring our visualizations, which has become our main venue for interaction, for writing our afterlife adventure book. Early yesterday I...