A Quote From Jurgen Ziewe
Jurgen Ziewe, an OOBE explorer and author of Vistas of Infinity, Multidimensional Man and The Ten Minute Moment, said the following in the AREI Facebook group (quoted with permission): "Unlimited freedom is one of the core aspects of universal consciousness. This is why the principle of freedom has been entered by us into our basic human rights. If there were restrictions in any shape or form laid on us after we die, then universal consciousness would have invalidated itself. So it is our limited human perspective which alone forces restrictions upon us. We may outgrow our basic human needs but that doesn’t invalidate the needs of others. Fortunately one of the functions of our continuing existence is that we are able to respond and satisfy all unfulfilled needs and desires without exceptions, from the most basic, even debased, to the highest and most sublime." I find great comfort in these words, and they echo my own view about our creative ability and our free will. I tak...