The Myth of the Uniform Afterlife
Reading books and watching materials about the afterlife, it's easy to get into a state of confusion and have doubts because there are so many different descriptions written with a sense of authority. These varying descriptions, though, only seem to contradict each other because we've come to think of "the afterlife" as a single, uniform place, with a uniform set of rules and structures, that everyone goes to and through regardless of their beliefs here. It is my view, though, that all those descriptions are accurate of different regions or dimensions we can see, go to and live in after leaving this world. Some are more non-physical; some are very difficult to relate to at all; some are a lot like Earth in many ways. There may be an afterlife region that corresponds to each and every description offered by the various religions and spiritualities that ever existed. It is also my view that there are many Earth dimensions, or Earth frequencies, if you like. How y...